Our Favorite Flowers For May

Is there anything more beautiful than a PNW garden in May? Although every month has its special beauty, the May garden is bursting with new foliage and blooms, filled with abundance and freshness, and with the promise of summer to come. Here are a few of our favorite garden plants for the month of May.


Just bursting into bloom in early May, these lovely perennials can be herbaceous, Itoh, or in a tree form. There are a multitude of colors and blossom styles for every taste, and the flowers are excellent in bouquets. Learn more about growing peonies here.

  • Full sun to part shade

  • Average, well-drained soil

  • 12”-7’ tall and 12”-5’ wide, depending on variety

  • Blooms May - June



One of the most beautiful and classic garden plants, their blooms will bring out the romantic in anyone. Roses come in a never-ending array of colors and shapes, from long-stemmed tea roses to ruffled English roses. There is even a category - shrub roses - that includes low-maintenance varieties! More about rose care here.

  • Full sun

  • Well-drained soil

  • 2”-8” tall and 12”-3’ wide, depending on variety

  • Blooms May - late fall



These brightly-colored rockery plants introduce spring with a bang. Flowers appear on stalks above succulent evergreen foliage. Lewisia is native to the west coast and suitable for rock gardens and other well-draining sites.

  • Full sun to part shade

  • Average, very well-drained soil

  • 8”-12” tall and wide

  • Blooms mid-spring - summer



To brighten up a shady spot, you can’t beat begonias. Their ruffled blossoms come in a variety of bold and pastel colors and their unusual leaves add sculptural interest in the garden, in pots, and in hanging baskets.

  • Part shade to shade

  • Average, well-drained soil

  • 6”-2’ tall and wide, depending on variety

  • Blooms late spring - first frost



These delicate woodland flowers appreciate dappled shade and evenly moist soil. With at least 5 dozen species (some native to the PNW), there are plenty of colors and styles to choose from. Columbine freely self-seed but seedlings do not bloom true, so you might end up with new colors!

  • Part shade

  • Well-drained soil

  • Foliage to 15”, flowers to 30” tall and wide. 

  • Blooms mid-spring - early summer



The summer garden isn’t complete without geraniums. Choose from classic geraniums, fancy-leaf varieties with stunning foliage, geraniums with scented leaves, or Martha Washington geraniums, which have stiff-leafed branches up to 2’ high and marked flowers.

  • Full sun

  • Well-drained soil; let dry between waterings

  • 5”-24” tall and 12”-15” wide, depending on variety

  • Blooms late spring - fall



Fuchsias are a great choice for the shade garden and are available in many colors and flower forms. They are also the meal of choice for hummingbirds! These shade-lovers bloom profusely well into fall and are beautiful in hanging baskets.

  • Part shade to shade

  • Average, well-drained soil

  • 12”-4’ tall and wide, depending on variety

  • Blooms May - fall


Rhododendron & Azalea

Classic PNW shrubs, rhododendrons and azaleas are often overlooked simply because they are so familiar. But these shrubs deserve a second look. With so many varieties available, there’s a perfect option for every garden style.

  • Full sun to part shade, depending on variety (they often prefer dappled afternoon shade)

  • Moist, mildly acidic, well-drained soil

  • 1’-20’ tall, depending on variety

  • Blooms in late spring



Tall spires of lush flowers and dewdrop-catching leaves make lupine a star in the garden. Peach, pink, and purple shades abound. Look out for unique bicolor varieties like purple and gold (for all those Husky fans out there).

  • Full sun to part shade

  • Water and fertilize regularly

  • 12”-5’ tall and wide, depending upon variety

  • Blooms May - mid-summer

We’d love to help you choose something perfect for your individual space, whether in person or on social media using #heyswansons!