Planting & Plant Care

Rhododendron and Azalea Care

Rhododendron and Azalea Care

Rhododendrons and azaleas, included in the genus Rhododendron are well-suited to our maritime climate and popular for their bold, colorful flowers and relatively tidy habits. They are both easy to grow and care for when their basic needs are met. In this post, learn how to care for your rhodies and azaleas.

Fall Dahlia Care

Fall Dahlia Care

Dahlias die back each year as autumn advances, but, with the proper care, the tuberous root system can live on to produce a stunning display year after year. The advice in this post is based on many years of growing dahlias in a low-lying area of Seattle with relatively moderate winter temperatures and excellent drainage.

6 Tips to Help Your Plants Survive Your Vacation

6 Tips to Help Your Plants Survive Your Vacation

It’s summertime and that means vacations. You’re a good plant parent and you want to make sure your plants are well taken care of but you don’t need to stay home all summer. I talked to the people who have years and years of knowledge gleaned from experience: the Swansons’ team. They offered their best tips for keeping your outdoor and indoor plants happy and healthy while you’re away.

Hydrangea Care & Pruning

Hydrangea Care & Pruning

Hydrangeas are classic garden shrubs known for their bold leaves and long-lasting clusters of flowers in shades of white, pink, red, or blue, blooming from mid-summer to autumn. More varieties are becoming available, featuring unique flower shapes, leaf colors, and even stem colors! Read on to learn how to care for your hydrangeas and help them thrive.