
Fabulous Fall Recipes

Fabulous Fall Recipes

When fall arrives, it always inspires me to nest. I search out new recipes, spend weekends cooking and baking, and then test my creations on my friends and family. There’s just something about the chill in the air and the early sunsets that encourage a hearty, home-cooked meal or sweet treat. Here are a few of my favorite fall recipes, including fall cocktails, sweet treats, and savory dishes.

A Scandinavian Christmas

A Scandinavian Christmas

Swansons Nursery has Scandinavian roots and so do two of our veteran employees: Inger and Rolf. Both of whom have been with us over decades and have helped shaped Swansons to be the warm and welcoming place it is today. As the holidays approach, we would like to share the stories of their Christmas traditions. God Jul!

7 Awesome Tomato Varieties Everyone Should Grow (At Least Once)

7 Awesome Tomato Varieties Everyone Should Grow (At Least Once)

It’s the height of tomato-planting season and Swansons is stocked to capacity with tons of tomatoes of all shapes, colors, and sizes. With so many choices, it can be difficult to settle on just one or two (or seven or eight) varieties to grow.  Here are seven of our favorites that we think everyone should grow – at least once!

Book Review: Apartment Gardening by Amy Pennington

Book Review: Apartment Gardening by Amy Pennington

Our annual veggie collection has arrived, and every year we receive more questions on porch and patio gardening: “I’d like to eat healthier by growing more fresh fruits, veggies, and herbs on my apartment balcony or windowsill, where do I start?” With so many varieties of plants and so little space, getting a successful start to container gardening can be daunting, but local landscaping and edible gardens consultant Amy Pennington has written Apartment Gardening to get you growing.