pacific northwest Lawn Care Calendar 

A beautiful, healthy, disease-free and weed-free lawn is easily achieved by following a program of regular care and maintenance. The following calendar lists recommended procedures for year-round lawn care in western Washington. For specifics on lawn care, please consult one of our nursery professionals.


Sharpen mower blades and tune-up mower. Refrain from walking on soggy or frozen grass. Do not mow at this time. Stay inside drinking hot chocolate, thinking positively about how fantastic the lawn will look this spring and summer. Look for good deals on a volleyball set.


Check lawn for standing puddles of water. Correct drainage where necessary or replant those areas with more suitable groundcovers. Do not mow at this time. Birds pecking at the turf help remove soil grubs such as crane fly. Sit back and watch all the work being done for you.


Fertilize lawns in March or April, using organic or slow-release formulas. If you are planning to renovate or start a new lawn, and it’s not excessively wet, it’s time to prepare. Dethatch the entire lawn if old roots and stems at crown level exceed one-half inch. Aerate by hand or mechanically. Dig out or spot treat perennial weeds. Mow, if necessary, on a medium height setting. 


Fertilize lawns in March or April, using organic or slow-release formulas. Rake and overseed bare spots (or plant new lawn) if it’s not excessively wet or cold. Mow regularly on a medium height setting. Remember not to remove more than one-third of the lawn's height at any given time. Recycle grass clippings onto the lawn as you mow.


Rake and overseed bare spots (or plant new lawn) if not done in April. Check all irrigation systems and ensure that the lawn optimally receives one inch of water weekly, either through rain or by irrigation. Mow every 5 - 7 days on a medium height setting. Dig out dandelions to prevent seeding.


Water deeply, slowly, and infrequently. No established lawn should be watered more than 2-3 times per week, even in hot conditions. Do not rely on timers for irrigation as temperatures will dictate water needs in addition to lack of rainfall. Continue "grasscycling". Mow 1-2 times weekly, removing no more than 1/3 of the height. If lawn grubs are causing a problem, June or July is a good time to apply “Grub Beater” insecticide.


Water deeply one inch per week, or allow the lawn to go dormant by watering just once a month. Avoid fertilizing in hot, dry weather. Mow regularly to prevent weed seed spread. If lawn grubs are causing a problem, June or July is a good time to apply “Grub Beater” insecticide.


Continue to water and mow regularly (see July). Survey the lawn, planning which areas need fall renovation. Plan to eliminate lawn areas on steep slopes, or in deep shade. Research suitable groundcovers as lawn substitutes for these areas.


When rains begin, fertilize with natural organic or slow-release formulations. Late in the month, begin fall renovation by thatching, aerating, and overseeding. Rake and overseed bare spots, or install new seed or sod lawns.


Thatch, aerate, and install sod. Top dress with up to one inch of sifted compost if the lawn was planted with very little organic matter. Turn off irrigation systems. Mow if necessary.


Late in the month, apply winter fertilizer which is vital to maintain healthy turf. Mow if conditions are not excessively wet and cold.


Apply winter fertilizer if you didn't do so in November. Rake leaves and litter off the lawn (as appropriate). Do not mow. Relax till March again. Happy Holidays!