Behind the Scenes: Filming "Privacy Please"

***Spoiler Alert*** If you haven’t already seen Privacy Please, go watch it before you keep reading!

This is our second “behind-the-scenes” blog post, where we share what it was like to bring each episode of our new Gooder Gardener video series to life. We’ll give you a glimpse of our experiences, inspirations, favorite moments, featured plants, and more.

Episode #2: Privacy Please

Our team was involved as much as possible in the development of the Gooder Gardener series. A huge reward of that approach was seeing the creativity of our employees make each episode unique to Swansons. That was certainly the case in Privacy Please, as our employees came up with the skits that made up our plant-testing segment of the episode. This section of the episode was one that landed some of the most laughs during filming. 

A handful of employees brought their own musical instruments from home, and the short musical number with the trio was one they created right on set. We did our filming while being open for business, and loved the curious amusement of shoppers as they wandered by.

The plant-crashing guitar riff was another favorite musical moment of this episode. It only took a couple of employees and our videographer a few takes to get the timing just right, and the result was perfect. Most of us have had a noisy neighbor or two. Hopefully, you haven’t had one blowing down your landscaping, but if it is going to happen … by guitar isn’t the worst way.


The blown-over plants in the episode are arborvitae, which make fantastic green fences, in case you are looking to grow a privacy hedge.

We poked at the idea of the Seattle freeze and thought that any viewers who have lived in the Midwest might appreciate the joke. We know there are a lot of challenging neighbor situations out there, and we hope that the friendly variety is all you encounter. That said, if you’re looking for some privacy plants (for any reason), we can help with that! We have an eager team ready to help you find what you need. Email us or, better yet, swing by Swansons and chat with us in person. We would love to help you be successful with your plants!

Want to see all of our published videos and links to more behind-the-scenes blog posts?