The Gooder Gardener: A New Video Series by Swansons Nursery

Swansons Nursery is such a unique place that it can be difficult to capture the nature of what has kept us in business for nearly 100 years. It comes down to the funny, hardworking, and brilliant people that work at Swansons. We work hard to make our customers successful and try not to take ourselves too seriously in the process.

Together with the talented video producers at Belief Agency, we found a way to bring Swansons’ personality to life and involve as much of our team as possible. We are thrilled to share the result of our collaboration: a video series called The Gooder Gardener.

These aren’t your typical garden center videos, with a tutorial in the garden bed. We wanted videos distinct to Swansons, something that would be fun, personable, and tie in the “goodness” that is part of our culture and mission.

What does it mean to be a “gooder gardener”? Each video incorporates the concept that goodness isn’t reserved for people who are perfect. There are a lot of imperfections in gardens and gardeners alike. Thankfully, you don’t need to be a pro to be a good gardener. Perfect is boring, anyway.  

So, we took a playful approach to capture and showcase the spirit of Swansons in this series. Our team was involved every step of the way, from sourcing episode topic ideas and brainstorming skits to being our on-camera talent. The Swansons team brought it to life.

The cast and crew of episode 4: “The Tomatoes Hath Arriveth”

The cast and crew of episode 4: “The Tomatoes Hath Arriveth”

We’ll be posting videos from the series weekly on our website and YouTube, as well as “behind-the-scenes” blogs about each episode after it airs. Click the button below to see the published videos and find links to the blog posts!