
Just Hatched 2019: A Swansons Chick Update

Just Hatched 2019: A Swansons Chick Update

Wow, it feels like yesterday our chicks arrived, small bundles of fluff huddled quietly around the heat lamp. These girls have grown so fast and will soon move to their new homes as laying hens. When the chicks had first arrived, we launched a “Name the Chicks” contest and, out of the hundreds of entries we received, we drew six winning names.

Just Hatched 2016: Ciao Chickens!

Yes, Swansons is very pleased to announce that our intrepid little brood is headed to a happy place! The backyard of one of our staff members whose lovely family has agreed to provide a giving and nurturing climate for the ladies. While I'm sad to see them go, I know that bigger and better things await (laying eggs! Foraging for bugs!).