garden tour

Inspiration from our Neighbors: 7 Great Garden Ideas from the Edmonds Garden Tour

Inspiration from our Neighbors: 7 Great Garden Ideas from the Edmonds Garden Tour

I had the pleasure of attending the Edmonds Garden Tour this month and I came away filled with inspiration and excited to try out some new ideas in my garden. It may seem like “tour-worthy” gardens are unattainable, but the garden tour taught me that incorporating the fundamentals of good design and adding a dash of personality can really bring your garden to a new level. Here are seven of my favorite ideas from the tour.

Here are some of my favorite ideas that you can adapt to your own gardens. Enjoy!

Adventures in Lotusland

Adventures in Lotusland

With the recent cold and grey weather, we at Swansons thought it would be restorative to take a trip - albeit a virtual one - to the sunny climes of southern California. This is a peek at a visit to the renowned Lotusland gardens made by our Annuals and Indoor Plant Buyers, Liane and Mollie, this past August. We hope it leaves you feeling refreshed and even more ready for spring gardening!