houseplants 101

Spring: Your Houseplant's Favorite Time of Year

Spring: Your Houseplant's Favorite Time of Year

A customer and I were problem-solving some issues with her houseplants, when she said “my plants are SO excited that Spring is almost here.” In the moment, I thought that was a lovely and whimsical expression, but as I thought about it further, I realized that, botanically speaking, she was spot on. Our houseplants ARE excited by the transition into Spring and need some special care this time of year.

What's Attacking My Houseplant? Common Indoor Plant Pests

What's Attacking My Houseplant? Common Indoor Plant Pests

You know the feeling. Your plant baby is doing great and growing when all of a sudden you notice something’s not right. Could it be watering? A draft? Too much sun or not enough? While some issues are care related, sometimes the culprit is a pest attack. This post will help you identify houseplant pests and eradicate them. Plus, there’s a handy infographic!

6 Houseplants for Beginners

6 Houseplants for Beginners

When you’re just starting out in the world of indoor gardening, it can be overwhelming to see the incredible array of houseplants available - and some of them can be quite the diva. What you need is a plant you like the look of that is easy-going and easy to grow. We’ve compiled a few of our favorites here, with useful information and care tips. The following houseplants are pretty low-maintenance and great for beginners!

Our 9 Favorite Houseplants

Our 9 Favorite Houseplants

Have you ever wondered which indoor plants the people who work with plants every day love the most? We asked some of our employees to share their favorite houseplants and why they like them. We think you might find your new favorite houseplant on this list.