houseplant problems

What's Attacking My Houseplant? Common Indoor Plant Pests

What's Attacking My Houseplant? Common Indoor Plant Pests

You know the feeling. Your plant baby is doing great and growing when all of a sudden you notice something’s not right. Could it be watering? A draft? Too much sun or not enough? While some issues are care related, sometimes the culprit is a pest attack. This post will help you identify houseplant pests and eradicate them. Plus, there’s a handy infographic!

6 (More) Houseplant Myths You Need To Know

6 (More) Houseplant Myths You Need To Know

A few months ago, we published The Top 5 Houseplant Myths Revealed. Since then, we’ve seen a lot more misconceptions about plant care floating around out there and these myths could be keeping your plants from being their very best. So, here are six more houseplant myths you need to know about. Avoid these pitfalls and your plants will thank you!

The Top 5 Houseplant Myths Revealed

The Top 5 Houseplant Myths Revealed

Houseplant parenting can be a struggle. There’s so much information out there - how do you know what to believe? Through our daily interactions with plant parents, we’ve seen a few myths resurface again and again, so we decided to set the record straight and make sure you have the information you need to keep your plants healthy and happy.