lawn care

7 Water-Wise Tips to Protect Your Plants This Summer

7 Water-Wise Tips to Protect Your Plants This Summer

When the weather is hot and dry, it's important to protect your plants and keep them healthy. Even established plants, like street trees, suffer from a dry summer, so get out there and water! Here are 7 water-wise tips to keep your plants hydrated and make watering your garden easy and effective.

Spring Lawn Care

Spring Lawn Care

After months of rainy and grey days, we are thrilled to see the sunshine once more (even if it’s just or a day or two here and there) and anticipating even more beautiful weather to come. While the call of the flower garden is strong, don’t forget to give your lawn some much needed TLC this spring as well. Taking time to care for your lawn will set you up for success later in the year. We would like to share a few tips to get your lawn ready for the upcoming season.

Living with Moss

Living with Moss

Not many gardeners have a neutral opinion when it comes to moss. Either we love the impossibly green fairyland it evokes on our forest walks and aged garden or we hate the layer of slippery moisture it lays over our roof or patio, and the way it crowd out our showpiece lawn. Both camps recount legends of the virtues or evils of moss.