
Doghobble & Pigsqueak: A Compendium of Curious Plant Names

Doghobble & Pigsqueak: A Compendium of Curious Plant Names

Winter is generally a time for gardeners to rest, reset and plan for the next season (i.e., lust over seed catalogs and online garden photo sites). It's also time for pondering gardening's Big Questions such as, "Where did all those odd and funny common plant names come from?"

Digging Deeper 2014: Swansons' Nursery Year In Photos

Digging Deeper 2014: Swansons' Nursery Year In Photos

Thanks to everyone who was a part of this amazing year at Swansons! We launched a blog, started the Grow With Us Project, interviewed Seattle gardening celebrities, created kitty-friendly planters for a houseboat, pruned, weeded, planted and enjoyed the fruits of our labor. Here's a quick look at 2014 in photos from Digging Deeper. And this is just a taste of our year! See A Year in Photos, our Facebook album, for more fun.