shade gardening

Erythronium: The Magical Woodland Fawn Lily

Erythronium: The Magical Woodland Fawn Lily

Erythronium species (also called Fawn Lily, Trout Lily or Dogtoothed Violet) epitomize the hidden wonders of the woodland garden. These spring-blooming perennials can spread to form low-growing colonies of delicate flowers that look beautiful from afar but really demand to be studied up close so as to admire their mottled leaves and intricate floral details. They really are magical!

What Are You Up To In The Garden?

What Are You Up To In The Garden?

We’re always excited to learn about what our friends and customers are up to in the garden. Finding out what other gardeners are thinking about and doing inspires us. Conversations lead to new ideas and new ways of gardening. What are you up to in the garden this fall? Are you contemplating any projects? We’d love to hear all about it!