Getting Grounded: Using Your Garden In Your Morning Ritual

Getting Grounded: Using Your Garden In Your Morning Ritual

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012, and was in treatment for 7 months before starting my road to recovery. I should say “Rocky Road to Recovery” because it was something of an obstacle course navigating all of the changes in my life and side effects from treatment. But somehow, just when I thought I couldn’t feel worse, my garden invited me out to rebalance myself and find some joy.

Houseplant Selfie Contest!

Houseplant Selfie Contest!

As a part of our Indoor Living Event, we want to see you smile! With your favorite indoor plant, that is. 

We encouraged everyone to share their houseplant selfies on Instagram for a chance to win a $50 Swansons gift certificate. We've had three drawings so far, with one more to go on February 3rd!