Creating an Indoor Herb Garden

Creating an Indoor Herb Garden

Growing herbs indoors is easy! If their basic needs are met, such as good soil, adequate light
and the right amount of water, herbs will reward you with gorgeous plants and flavorful meals all year round. If you are new to indoor gardening or cooking with fresh herbs, these basic instructions and recipes will get you started.

Growing Strawberries in the Pacific Northwest

Growing Strawberries in the Pacific Northwest

Strawberries are always a popular plant for the home garden because they are delicious and easy to grow in our Northwest climate. Nothing says that summer is approaching more than the first bite of a sweet, homegrown strawberry. Plus, they can be grown easily in small spaces and containers. 

Plan & Prep Your Edible Garden

Plan & Prep Your Edible Garden

We're excited to have Hilary Dahl, co-owner of the Seattle Urban Farm Co., and creator and Host of the Encyclopedia Botanica Podcast, as a guest blogger. In this post, she's offering great advice on planning and prepping your edible garden. Whether you are brand new to edible gardening or a seasoned pro, you'll find great tips to make this year your best vegetable harvest ever!