gerbera daisy northwest care sheet

The Gerbera Daisy is a widely popular decorative garden plant and cut flower. The most commonly grown is Gerbera jamesonii from South Africa. More than 30 species exist in the wild from Madagascar, South America and tropical Asia. Gerberas are known for their bright vivid colors and large daisy-like flowers. A typical plant will grow lush green leaves with flowers on bare stems 10 to 18 inches tall. The pollen attracts bees and butterflies which are important components in any garden. Here in the Pacific Northwest, gerberas are grown as an annual or brought inside during the winter.

Soil Conditions:
Plant in rich well-drained soil. They don’t like wet, soggy soil. In clay soil that holds moisture, amend it by adding organic material like soil building compost to improve drainage.

The crown should placed above the soil level - planted too deep invites crown rot.

Light Requirements:
Plant in a sunny location protected from the hot afternoon sun. Full sun is best for most abundant flower production.

Early in the day and allow to dry slightly between watering. Avoid overhead watering. 

During its flowering period in spring and summer, feed monthly with a 1/2 strength balanced fertilizer (like 10-10-10) or use organic rose and flower food. Maintain the plant by removing spent flowers and old leaves.